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How Vybing Planet Tours Began...

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Imagine this...

It’s April 2021: Jennie (VPT’s Creator aka as the person who’s writing this, me) received a message from source spirit in her mind; “You need to go back to Egypt.”
I had no idea why?
I called my friend George who said “Ask the tarot cards and see what they say.”
I’m not someone who consults the cards daily, only when I feel intuitively called to do so.

So for fun, I asked my favourite deck of Oracle cards and the card that flew out was number 1 - New Beginnings…
I then proceeded to search for all of my decks (no joke!), as the ego wanted further confirmation…
6 tarot and oracle decks later one way or another they all said “Yes” ~ even my animal cards revealed the Horse card with the word “Freedom”, the answer to my message from spirit really couldn't be clearer!

“But how?” I thought, as everybody in the world was being told no-one was allowed outside the UK…
…12 days later, I landed in Hurghada, Egypt, before I left, on a call to George, I said “we’re going to be holding tours in Egypt, don’t ask me how, but remember I told you this” ~ and even the journey to get there was an adventure, I’ll share that with you when I have the gift of meeting you.

What turned out to be a message from Source, then became a month’s expedition around Egypt...going to places that I had never been withinmy 18yrs (at that time) of visiting Egypt, including Luxor.
George joined me in Luxor.
We initially booked for 3 days and ended up exploring Luxor for 2 weeks!

Fast forward to 2023, where Vybing Planet Tours then launched and completed our first Expedition Egypt 2.0 Tour!
Not without so many perceived distractions along the way, however I still held faith that the trip was going to go ahead and had faith everyone who attended was going to be safe, have lots of fun AND receive everything they came to connect with in the highest and best ways!

It was just before the Vybe Tribe arrived, that I collected the group online and shared that I wanted to do an experiment with them…to take them all on an adventure…into one of sheer discovery…
I asked everyone whether they would be open to surrendering to each day, not knowing where they were going to visit  and stay.
To my surprise, everyone agreed!

I had the gift of guiding the wondrous souls who joined me around some of the rarest and untouched parts of Egypt, along with bringing them into some of the most unique accommodation spaces on the planet!

Together we explored pyramids, temples, tombs, the river Nile and sites across the sacred sands, walking barefoot receiving light codes and neutrino streams galore from the sun.
Connecting and eating with local communities and had trip of their lifetime along the way!

The feedback, I’ve since received with gratitude from the magickal Vybe Tribe who travelled with me said;
“We loved the surprised aspect of the Discovery, although we had a tussle with the ego at times, the thought of rising up each day and not knowing what we were doing and where we were going brought a surprise element to the tour.
Keep the groups intimate in numbers due to the transformational clearance, downloads and upgrading aspects of the tours.”


They also suggested growing forward with Vybing Planet Tours should be either guest referral or invitation only - unless you reading this now feel called to come and join us on a tour, because deep down you too have felt source, spirit or the universe speak to you…in which case get in touch!


Is instinct calling you..?

Then let's connect!

So you’ve felt the call and instinct is pulling you to come join us.
As previously mentioned, due to the HIGHLY ACTIVATING nature of our tours all future are via connecting with us personally, previous guest referral or by invitation only.

If you feel called to join us, please either DM us on our socials or email us at Vybing Planet Tours because we would love to connect with you and welcome you into our magickal space of transformation!

You will then receive your next steps into your adventure of a lifetime.

We look forward to having you join out VPT Superhero Family!

Sending oodles of divine unconditional love your way,


Jennie and Team VPT


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